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LED Strips for Space Lighting Upgrade

I'm trying to decide what I need to set up your product in my space. Currently, I have fluorescent tubes in a 500 ft. workspace. I would like to replace these with your 99 CRI LED strips and hardwire them to my existing wiring and use a dimmer. I'm not sure if I need 12 or 24, or if I need the Junction box on my power source. 

Our 99 CRI ABSOLUTE SERIES sounds like a great option for upgrading your space's lighting! The flexible LED strip version is available in 12 volts only, so you will want to use the 12 volt TRIAC dimmable power supply to power the LED strip.

​Below is the direct link to the dimmable power supply:

If you intend to install the power supply unit directly inside the fixture, I do not believe that there will be a need for the junction box; typically the junction box is used when the power supply is mounted in an interior wall location.

If you are comfortable with and able to solder your own wires, that would perhaps provide you with the most flexibility and cleanest wiring installation, however, if not, our PN 3070 and PN 3071 connectors may be convenient options for you.

I am replacing five T12 tubes in this space (2500 lumens each), and it seems to be about 60% as bright, even though the lumens should be very close. 

The strip that is wired to the power source is brighter than the second strip, which is wired to the first strip. 

The brighter strip also seems very noticeably brighter closer to the connection that goes to the power source. The channel is also quite hot close to the connection, and warm at the other end. The second strip channel is not warm. 

The brightness drop you are observing may be caused by voltage drop, which can occur during longer LED strip installations. Can you provide some additional detail on how the two LED strip reels are connected?

For voltage drop and safety reasons, the maximum run length specification for any LED strip section is 16.4 ft. Therefore, if you are attempting to connect multiple reels to a single LED power supply, this would likely cause the voltage drop and reduction in brightness you are observing in the second reel.

​As such, we generally recommend connecting each 16.4 ft reel to a separate power supply unit to ensure that the maximum run length is not exceeded.

Can you point me to where in your documentation you recommend using a separate power supply for each 16 ft strip? 

Please see below for the datasheet which indicates the "max run" specification of 16.4 ft.


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LED power suppliesLED strip lightsFluorescent replacementsLED dimmers

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