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LED Lights that Simulates Sunlight and UV Output

I'm an avid salmon fisherman. I tie a lot of flies and painting lures for salmon. I'm looking for a light that best simulates sunlight but also has UV down to about 350nm. Do you have a light that would work? 

While we can confirm that many of our products (such as the ABSOLUTE SERIES™ LED Flexible Strip) offer light output which closely simulates direct sunlight, these products generally do not offer UV output as well. 

As such, we, unfortunately, might not have the ideal lighting product available at the moment.

I was looking for a simple bulb. I have a light box I built where I can put different colored filters to simulate different watercolors. However, currently, it just uses a standard bulb. About UV, is there a single 350-400 nm light you guys sell?

If your light box is designed to utilize an E26 base lightbulb, we unfortunately might not have the ideal ultraviolet product form factor available at the moment. However, depending on the dimensions and design of the lightbox, you might also be able to utilize our 365 nm realUV™ LED Strip Lights. This product is designed to output UV-A light which is centered within the referenced range.

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