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Is it best to be using the 95 CRI products for Art Lighting?
We are wrapping up a project with an art wall for a special piece of art and need to light it with even light intensity and would like to learn more about your products.
To light art, it is best to be using your 95 CRI products right?
Yes, the higher the CRI, the better the appearance of the colors in your artwork.
What is the difference between a Centric Home 3000K strip (3003.27) vs. a film grade 3200K tungsten strip (3001.32)?
The primary difference between the CENTRIC HOME and FilmGrade LED strip lights is the color temperature. The former is offered in 3000K, compared to the latter, which is offered in 3200K. The CENTRIC HOME at 3000K will be a closer match to halogen lighting used in art galleries, whereas the FilmGrade at 3200K is closer to tungsten lighting used in TV and movie sets.
It would seem all the strips have a max light intensity of 450 lumens per foot, are there higher lumen strips in the 3000K - 3200K color temp range?
Unfortunately we do not have any brighter LED strips. If more light is needed, we would recommend "doubling up" the number of rows.
How much lumen can be expected to be lost if used behind the lens of the corner aluminum channel?
We generally observe light loss of 10-15% when the diffuser cover is applied over the LED strip light.
Safe to assume all the strips are dimmable?
Yes, all LED strip lights are dimmable as long as they are connected to a dimmable power supply unit. (See below)
For about 13.5’ of stip lighting, what’s the best power supply to get and do you guys offer a hard wire remote transformer product to power the lights?
Please see below for the product link for our dimmable power supply which can be hard-wired to a dimmer circuit. One popular solution for controlling this power supply is using the Lutron Caseta dimmer system.
Below is some additional guidance on using the Lutron Caseta system with our LED strip lights:
For dimming of the light strip, what’s the best wall mount switch type dimmer to get that won’t cause flicker?
As long as you use our dimmable power supplies, you will be able to achieve flicker-free output regardless of the wall dimmer model or manufacturer.
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LED power suppliesLED strip lightsArt studio lightingLED dimmersLED Drivers
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