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High CRI 6500K bulbs for Digital Photographic and Color Matching Applications

I need a few Hi CRI, 6500K bulbs for 2 separate uses:

1) Digital photographic slide capture and then editing on a 6500K color-corrected monitor. I have one of your 6-inch, white sample LED strips to try for lighting behind the monitor. I need Edison bulbs for indirect room lighting. I've looked at your website and found a few 6500K CRI >90 bulbs that might work, including some with high R-9 ratings. Do these bulbs need to be D-65 rated? What is your recommendation for this use?

2) Color-matching fabrics and buttons, etc. Can I use the same type of bulb or is a D-50 bulb more appropriate? Suggestions?

I noticed several dimmable Hi CRI bulbs listed, but I could not find their R-9 rating. Can use 1 & 2 be accomplished with a dimmable bulb, or does that add too much variability to the lighting?

As we currently do not offer 6500K filament bulbs at this time, we might alternatively recommend the Sidewinder™ LED Flex Strip for D65 Bias Lighting product, which is D65 calibrated and designed for bias lighting for monitors intended for color-correction.

Regarding the benefits of D65 vs D50 for your fabric sample color matching purposes, I have provided two links below from our blog, which each include sections comparing the benefits of the two for working with color. 

​Regarding the R-9 value, the specification sheets and photometric reports linked within each product page will be able to provide the R-9 output details.

What is D50?: https://www.waveformlighting.com/color-matching/what-is-d50-for-graphic-arts-printing

What is D65?: https://www.waveformlighting.com/color-matching/what-is-d65-and-what-is-it-used-for

I'm confused by the photometric test reports, or perhaps I don't understand your part numbering system. This makes it look like the D-50 calibrated bulb is the same as the Centric 5000K bulb(based on the report PDF) and the same as the NorthLux 5000K bulb based on the web page part number listing.

We can confirm that the D50 5000K A19 LED Bulb for Color Matching (ISO3664:2000) product and the 5000K NorthLux™ 95 CRI E26 A19 LED Bulb for Art & Studio are identical products which are provided unique landing pages for marketing purposes. This can be noted by the shared part number of 4005.D50.

As such, you can expect that the performance will be identical across both items. We would like to sincerely apologize for any confusion that this might have caused.

Question posted under:

LED strip lightsA19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent)Color matchingD65 (digital arts and graphics)

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