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Does your TRIAC Dimmable Power Supply create heat?
I'm planning on creating an installation to bring much-needed light to my living room. (A 16 ft continuous run along 1 wall connected to a dimmer switch on the wall. My question is: Does the Power Supply create heat? That is, could I drop the TRIAC Dimmable Power Supply unit behind the drywall, or would that be a fire hazard?
We can confirm that the TRIAC Dimmable Power Supply will generate a small amount of heat while operating. We would not expect that this heat would cause a fire hazard.
Further, when these products are installed behind drywall we typically recommend purchasing the optional junction box to protect the power supply and allow for ease of future adjustment.
Here’s the circuit I’m planning. Before I order, does that look right to you?
Based on our review, it appears that the Lutron Diva (PN DVWCL-153PH-WH) is among our list of tested and compatible wall dimmers. As such, we would not expect any issues to arise when using it with our products.
That being said, we typically do not recommend utilizing DC Power Supplies with in-wall dimmers and connection to in-wall power. As an alternative, we would likely recommend two units of the 24V TRIAC Dimmable Power Supply for LED Strip, as the total voltage requirements of two reels (180.4W) would exceed the available supply from a single unit (96W).
In the hopes that they prove to be useful for your installation planning, we have attached two LayoutMap links below which illustrate installations that use our power supplies and in-wall dimmers. These pages also feature links to each of the recommended connecter accessories.
LayoutMaps™ - LED Strip Light Layout 3001-1C
LayoutMaps™ - LED Strip Light Layout 3001-1B
If I wanted to put each LED Strip on its dimmer (16 ft per dimmer, vs 32 ft on 1 dimmer.
Power Supply: Do I need to order another Power Supply? I have already ordered the one you recommended below, but that was for 32’ on 1 dimmer. Do you recommend 2 of the same product or 2 different products?
Switch: What dual dimmer switches do you recommend? I do not see any on the list.
Based on our review of your recently placed order and diagram, we would recommend utilizing a total of two identical 24V power supplies, with one dedicated to each 16-foot length of the product.
Though the 24V LED Strip Lights have a maximum combined length of 32.8 feet, each foot requires 5.5 watts of power. As the 24V TRIAC Dimmable Power Supply can offer a maximum of 96W, 24 feet of LED Strip Lights would require a much greater 180.4W of power than could be supplied by a single unit.
Unfortunately, it does not appear that any of the dimmers within our compatibility list features dual controls, and we do sincerely apologize for any impact this might have on your installation planning.
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LED power suppliesLED strip lightsLED dimmersLED Drivers
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