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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  LED strip lights /  Do your D50 products and Absolute Series ISO 3664:2000 D50 calibrate?

Do your D50 products and Absolute Series ISO 3664:2000 D50 calibrate?

We work mainly with artists. Which of your product is ISO 3664:2009 D50? What about your latest Absolute Series in that regard? We would like to introduce them to our client's Application of Color matching, and screen vs inkjet printing.

We can confirm that our D50 products, as well as our 5000K Absolute Series products, are calibrated for ISO 3664:2000 D50, rather than the referenced ISO 3664:2009 D50. 

In the hope that they prove to be helpful, we have attached links for the product specification sheet and 5000K photometric report below. 

Specification Sheet

5000K Photometric Report

For the ABSOLUTE SERIES, the reference is SO3664:2009 which I guess includes the ISO 3664 2000. Would you explain to me what the difference is between both?

Also with the rail diffuser: Could it be used without the diffuser At 3-4 feet from a table? Does the rail diffuser affect color temperature or spec Does it affect the CRI? OR the R?

We can confirm that while ISO 3664:2009 includes violet light in the output, ISO 3664:2000 does not. 

Additionally, we have just confirmed that the Absolute Series LED Strip Lights, as well as the Absolute Series LED Modules, are both rated for ISO 3664:2009. 

Regarding the channel diffusor, we can confirm that the diffusor can reduce transmission by roughly 10%. If you require the full output from the lights, we would recommend disconnecting the diffusor cover. Further, it might be helpful to know that the LED Modules are not able to fit within our channels, which are only able to accommodate the 10mm width of the LED Strip Lights. 

We will be using those linear modules in an aluminum U-channel large enough to receive the LED MODULES. Is there any additional wire or plug we need to interconnect all those 3 elements?

We can confirm that the color temperature is not expected to be altered when cast through the diffusion panels, though there can be a ~10% loss in lumen transmission.

As the ABSOLUTE SERIES™ LED Linear Modules have a width of 20mm, they are too wide for the 13mm width of the aluminum channels, which are designed to accommodate the 10mm LED Strip Light width

​If the aluminum channels are preferred for your installation, we would instead recommend the ABSOLUTE SERIES™ LED Flexible Strip

Further, please note that the Absolute Series LED Strip Lights utilize 12V. As such, we recommend selecting a power supply with a matching voltage

In the hopes that they prove to be useful for your installation planning, we have provided a few LayoutMap diagrams below, which illustrate the configuration of LED Strip Lights and provide links to the recommended connectors. Please ignore the 24V labeled within, as those are specific to the FilmGrade LED Strip Lights. 

LayoutMaps™ - LED Strip Light Layout 3002_3C

LayoutMaps™ - LED Strip Light Layout 3002_3E

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LED strip lightsD50 (printing, digitizing)

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