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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  LED strip lights /  Do you have an Emission Spectra Data of LEDs

Do you have an Emission Spectra Data of LEDs

Do you have data on the wavelengths your LEDs emit? I am interested in something that emits a little bit of UV as well as visible light, ideally with varying intensity.

We do provide the spectral data on our LEDs which can be found on the Photometrics page, found below:


​We unfortunately do not have any products that simultaneously emit UV and visible light.

​For such applications, we would recommend using our UV LED products in conjunction with our standard white LED products. 

My application is in research and I am trying to get diffused, full-spectrum lighting in a small chamber (a paint bucket) to study varying fluorescence in biological samples. This also has to work in conditions with a lot of water, so I need to figure out a mobile power supply and computer controls if possible.

I will probably need around 4 strips in total. Is it possible to do a call where we can discuss setting up a power supply and perhaps which strips work best for this application? The most important part is consistent light output and ideally some control over intensity.

Our LED strip lights should be a great option for your needs. We do offer several options, including our ABSOLUTES SERIES in calibrated 5000K/6500K color options as well as our realUV LED strip lights which can provide the 365 / 395 nm wavelengths for the fluorescence effects you are looking for.

You also mentioned that you are after the ability to vary the intensity, and this is also something that can be accomplished via our flicker-free LED dimmer:

Below are some installation diagrams that you might find useful:


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