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Home / Support Center / Knowledge Base / LED strip lights / Do the UV LED strip lights have a UL rating?
Do the UV LED strip lights have a UL rating?
Does this lighting strip have a UL rating? We're using it in a lab hood where there are flammable chemicals. Is there a risk of a spark? It is currently permanently plugged in outside of the vent chamber.
Unfortunately, our UV LED strip lights have not been submitted to UL for safety approval. From a design perspective, however, they would meet the UL 2108 requirements for low-voltage lighting systems (Class 2).
We similarly do not have any ratings or evaluations for use in flammable environments, so we, unfortunately, cannot provide any assurances for your installation. We would recommend consulting with a system or product design expert to ensure that any potential electrical arcs (even if small at 12 volts DC) would not pose a risk for safe use.
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