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Color Changing LED Strip for Floating Shelves Lighting

I'm installing floating shelves, and installing a channel below for strip lights. I'd like to be able to change colors (not temperature, per se, but actual colors - red, blue, etc.) so I think this leaves me with two options based on what I'm seeing on the site:

1. ColorSpace™ RGB Color Changing LED Strip Lights

2. FilmGrade™ FiveSpect 5-in-1 LED Strip Lights

https://www.waveformlighting.com/simplecolor-led-strip (this model doesn't seem to apply to me b/c it's only able to do one color/you can't switch them on the fly).

I'm not sure what "color tunable" means for # 2. How does this differ from # 1?

 The Hybrid LED Strip Lights contain two color temperature LEDs, those being the 3200K and 6500K. Dimmer products can be used to control the intensity of each channel in order to simulate a color temperature between those two, such as 4000K or 5500K.

In comparison, our FiveSpect LED Strip Lights contain five color channels, those being red, green, blue, tungsten, and daylight. Using a connected DMX Dimmer and Decoder or DMX Controller, the individual LEDs can be adjusted to simulate any visible color point. I have attached a link to our LED Spectrum Simulator, which offers previews of the color options that the Fivespect and ColorSpace RGB products can provide. 

What's the difference b/w 12V and 24?

The primary difference between the 12V and 24V versions of our products is the maximum combined length, which is defined by the voltage. Our 12V products have a maximum combined length of 16.4 ft, whereas the 24V versions have a maximum combined length of 32.8 ft. Beyond this, the 12V LED Strip Lights also feature shorter cuttable sections than the 24V version. 

You list 'recommended accessories' for # 2 but not # 1. You also have spec sheets available for download for # 2 but not # 1 so I'm not sure I suspect # 1 will do the job for me as # 2 seems like it's geared for more commercial-based setups but the lack of add'l details about what else I need to order with it makes it difficult for me to understand what else I need to buy.

We do apologize for any confusion that the lack of a specification sheet for the ColorSpace™ RGB Color Changing LED Strip Lights may have caused. In the hope that it proves to be helpful, please note that both products would require the same connection accessories and power supplies. 

I'm not really seeing a way to control the changing of the colors.

We recommend utilizing our DMX Dimmer and Decoder product alongside a third-party controller such as the American DJ myDMX 3.0 DMX Controller and Software​ to adjust each channel. 

In short, I'm lost. I think I need to purchase ColorSpace™ RGB Color Changing LED Strip Lights  [12 or 24V?] + a power supply [which one ?] + a 'controller' [to be able to change the desired color]

As your installation would utilize only 8.6 feet, we would likely recommend utilizing the 12V ColorSpace™ RGB Color Changing LED Strip Lights as well as a 12V power supply, such as the FilmGrade™ DC Power Supply for LED Strip or TRIAC Dimmable Power Supply

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LED power suppliesLED strip lightsDMX dimmersLED Drivers

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