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Centric Daylight LED Strip Lights voltage drop questions
On this LED strip, if I power only one end with 24V, how far along would I see a brightness or color difference due to the voltage drop? Can I get 8 ft to look even/consistent without injecting power somewhere in the middle or tail end? Also, what would be better for a conference room? 4000K or 5000K?
Based on my calculations using our voltage drop calculator tool, it appears that the total voltage drop for an 8 ft length of this 24V product, which has a power draw of 5.5W/ft, would be approximately 0.029V.
At this voltage drop amount, we do not believe that there would be any diminished light output. Further, it might be valuable to know that the distance between the LED strip light reel and the power supply, as well as the gauge of wiring, will affect the voltage drop.
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