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Can your FilmGrade white lights tolerate being inside an epoxy pour?
Can your FilmGrade white lights tolerate being inside an epoxy pour? I'm building a table and want lights in that location for chin lights.
We, unfortunately, do not have any extensive data on the reliability of our LED strip lights inside of an epoxy encapsulation. That being said, from a thermal and electrical standpoint, we would not expect any issues as epoxy materials tend not to be electrically conductive, and compared to air, which is a very poor thermal conductor, epoxy would actually be a moderate improvement for thermal performance.
Our one concern with longer-term reliability would be any VOCs that the epoxy material may emit over time, leading to oxidation in the LED emitter. Such issues would not lead to "catastrophic" failure, however, so depending on your ability to accept some light loss over time, your proposed installation may be worth a try.
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LED strip lights
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