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Home / Support Center / Knowledge Base / LED strip lights / Are the NorthLux™ 95 CRI T8 LED Tube and FilmGrade™ White LED Strip Lights flicker-free for shooting video?
Are the NorthLux™ 95 CRI T8 LED Tube and FilmGrade™ White LED Strip Lights flicker-free for shooting video?
I’m wondering if two of your products are flicker-free for shooting video:
NorthLux™ 95 CRI T8 LED Tube for Art & Studio flicker-free for shooting on video? & FilmGrade™ WHITE LED Strip Lights
We can confirm that both our FilmGrade™ WHITE LED Strip Lights and the NorthLux™ 95 CRI T8 LED Tube for Art & Studio product mentioned is flicker-free.
If a light isn’t mounted in a ballast, is there another solution in which I’d be able to operate a bank of lights of a switch in a similar way to a typical shop-light setup?
For installing our T8 LED tube lights into fixtures, such as ‘shop light’ style fixtures, we generally recommend that the fluorescent ballast is removed. Alternatively, these bulbs can be installed using the ballast-bypass method.
The instructions for both installation options can be found in the link below.
Alternatively, the FilmGrade™ WHITE LED Strip Lights can also be mounted within lengths of our flat Aluminum Channel for LED Flex Strip products.
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LED strip lightsT8 LED tube lightsVideo & cinematography
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