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Does your Shop Light Fixture come with any diffusion?
Does either model of the NorthLux 95 CRI shop light fixture or the D50 Shop light (same model, right?) come with any diffusion? If not, do you sell any diffusion sheets for them? have specs or a source for diffusion inserts? Does the D50 linear light come inside a diffuser? seems to come inside a bulb housing or something like a diffuser.
We can confirm that the NorthLux™ 95 CRI LED Shop Light Fixture and D50 5000K LED Shop Light Fixture for Color Matching are the same model which has been provided with unique landing pages for marketing purposes.
This can be noted by the shared part number (PN4025.50), and we do apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
We can also confirm that the T5 line of products, including the D50 5000K T5 LED Linear Light Fixture for Color Matching, utilizes a diffusion cover for even light distribution.
Is there any diffusion on the PN 4025.50? The picture is not clear, and it would be ideal to have some diffusion on this, otherwise, I will be going with the single bulbs, T5 line to get the best lighting distribution.
Though the product photo is not quite clear, we can confirm that the LED Shop Light Fixtures include a pre-installed clear polycarbonate cover.
This cover is not designed for light diffusion as the enclosures of the T5 Linear Light Fixtures are.
Do you know if the polycarbonate is clear? sanded at all? Is it removable/accessible? I know it isn't for diffusion as you stated, but if it offers some, then I could possibly sand it or add a filter to provide more diffusion or just stick with more of the 4ft T5 linear lights.
While we have not personally attempted to remove the polycarbonate material, we can confirm that the material is clear and untextured.
As such, you might be able to utilize a gel filter (such as those sold by B&H Photo or other retailers) or sanding to create diffusion, though please note that permanent product alterations will disallow returns and refunds.
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LED shop lights
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