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D65 Illuminant for Color Correcting Lighting

I'd like to purchase an accurate D65 illuminant (6500k?) for color-correcting a custom-built camera with a MacBeth chart. Can you please recommend a kit of hardware to purchase from you to create this lighting?

We offer several D65 color-calibrated products which may be of specific interest to your needs. Below are some recommendations:

All of these options at 6500K are also calibrated to the D65 color point and are excellent options for color matching using digital imaging equipment (D50 is of course another popular option for visual inspection).

We have a windowless room dedicated to different camera calibrations, used frequently. The A19 and T5 are great options as they seem to be easily removable. For the A19, would something like this be what you recommend for hosting the bulb? What differences should I expect in light output from the A19 and T5?

Our calibration room has never been used for color calibration, so I am also shopping for a white booth/background. Unlikely, but I’m open to suggestions for this too.

In terms of color quality, you would not notice any difference as both are calibrated to the exact same D65 color point, so it ultimately comes down to the lighting installation and how you'd like to configure the lights.

In terms of brightness, the A19 lamps emit 800 lumens, while the T5 linear fixtures 900 lumens and 1800 lumens for the 2-ft and 4-ft versions, respectively. If your illumination target is a longer, more rectangular area, the linear fixtures might be a better way to evenly illuminate the entire surface.

I've reviewed the Amazon link and can confirm that this would be a great lamp fixture for the A19 lamp!

While we aren't able to provide direct support for the lighting booth and background, here's an article from Church Film School which features our products and may have some overlaps with your project and may be helpful: 


Your lamps have been working great, but now I’m looking for something that has a variable temperature. Do you sell anything with a wide range of temperatures?

We, unfortunately, do not have any complete lamp products that offer color temperature control. The closest option we offer is an LED strip component for film and TV studio applications. I've provided the link below:

Question posted under:

LED strip lightsT5 linear fixturesA19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent)LED shop lightsD65 (digital arts and graphics)

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