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What PWM frequency(s) are used for the PWM output of LED Strip power supplies?
I have some questions about the 3104 and 3094.096 dimmable power supplies for LED strips. What PWM frequency(s) is/are used for the PWM output of these power supplies? Are these power supplies compliant with the IEEE 1789 "flicker-free" NOEL specification? And is there a flicker graph available as published by IEEE 1789?
Our PN 3104 and PN 3094.096 power supplies utilize PWM (100% modulation) at a 20 kHz frequency.
In terms of the IEEE 1789, this would place the product firmly in the "safe" zone given that the standard suggests that frequencies above 3 kHz have not shown to have any detrimental effects on humans.
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LED power suppliesLED strip lights
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