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Power Supply Requirement for third party UV LED Strip
I have two reels of 5-meter 12v UV LEDs that need 14 watts per meter. I have the Waveform FilmGrade Dimmer and a Waveform 12v Filmgrade power supply. Do I need two of your 12v power supplies (meaning I'd split the two 5m reels into two separate portions, each with their power supplies) to get proper consistent output from all 10 meters of lights, or could I get a single 24v Filmgrade Power supply, or some other setup, as I do want to be able to use the dimmer?
Based on the details provided, we would recommend utilizing two 12V power supplies to power the two reels of the UV LED product.
As the LED strip lights draw 4.5 watts of power per foot for a total of 72 watts per reel, the 120W power output of the FilmGrade™ DC Power Supply for LED Strip would not be able to support two full reels. Further, please note that the LED strip lights have a maximum combined length of 16.4 feet (5 meters). As such, we would recommend powering each reel independently.
As the LED strip lights are designed with specific voltage in mind, we do not recommend using a 24V power supply with the 12V products, as it could cause product failures and void the product warranty.
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LED power suppliesLED dimmersUV-A LED strip lights
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