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Power Supply Recommended for a Goal Zero Solar Setup

I want to run a 12V LED filmstrip with a dimmer from a Goal Zero solar setup that has USB and cigarette lighter plug (or direct battery terminal) connection options. Will the dimmer work in this scenario, and do you offer any of the power supply options, or do you have product recommendations? I don't know much about wiring so prefer no soldering or splicing, or at least having product-specific recommendations. 

While we have not tested the Goal Zero product, based on a quick review of their product specifications, it does appear that the 12-volt output provided via the cigarette lighter port would be able to power our LED strip lights and dimmer.

​To connect the cigarette lighter plug to the dimmer, you may want to consider a third-party product such as the one below:


​From there, you may benefit from referencing our Layout Maps which show the connectivity of the dimmer and LED strip lights. In your case, you would want to ignore the DC power supply unit, since the Goal Zero unit already outputs 12 volts DC.

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LED power suppliesLED dimmers

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