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Does your TRIAC Dimmable Power Supply use high-frequency PWM?
I would like to ask if your TRIAC Dimmable Power Supply for LED Strip (3093.120) uses high-frequency PWM to dim the actual LED strip on the output side or uses PWM at the mains frequency.
I read your very good article which suggests that flicker-free PWM dimming needs to be at 25kHz or so. I live in New Zealand & we use 230VAC at 50Hz. I wish to adapt the existing 230V wiring to accommodate a dimmable LED strip.
Our TRIAC dimmable power supply does indeed use high-frequency PWM on the output side to dim the LEDs. The PWM frequency is 25 kHz, which should be high enough for even the most sensitive or demanding of applications.
On the AC input side, the power supply "interprets" a phase-dimming signal (commonly called TRIAC) which is produced by traditional wall dimmers in residential installations.
If you have a standard AC 230-volt mains voltage dimmer installed, our dimmable power supplier would be a great fit for the installation.
For additional guidance on installation, please see our layout map below:
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LED power suppliesLED dimmers
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