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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  LED power supplies /  Do you have a transformer that allows to string all (4) reels together?

Do you have a transformer that allows to string all (4) reels together?

I am considering using your strip lights and installing them myself instead of buying the Shop light fixtures (similar to the ones I have already purchased). I would buy four of the 5 m reels. Do you sell a transformer that will allow me to string all 4 reels together? Or do I need to buy multiple Transformers (the Transformers I see on your website)? If that is the case, how many reels will one of your transformers power? 

We can confirm that we generally recommend one dedicated power supply per 5 meters (16.4 ft) of LED Strip Lights product, and do not currently have a power supply capable of providing power for multiple reels. 

As each reel of LED Strip Lights consumes 5.5 watts per foot, 90.2 watts would be required of the 120-watt max output DC Power Supplies and TRIAC Dimmable Power Supplies. It might also be helpful to know that the 12V LED Strip Lights have a maximum combined length of 16.4 ft, whereas the 24V version has a maximum run of 32.8 ft. Lengths greater than these will encounter diminished output, as well as voltage drop. 

We have attached a LayoutMap below that illustrates an installation utilizing multiple TRIAC Dimmable Power Supplies connected to a single in-wall dimmer, which we hope is helpful for your installation planning. 

LayoutMaps™ - LED Strip Light Layout 3001-1C

For installations using our own products, we would suggest a layout similar to that linked below, though you may be able to locate third-party power supplies elsewhere that would be able to afford greater output. 

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LED power suppliesLED strip lights

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