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Do you have a suggested Lutron Caseta Smart Dimmer for the TRIAC power supply?
I purchased the Triac Dimmable LED power supply the other day. I'm trying to figure out which Lutron Caseta Smart Dimmer switch I am supposed to use. Lutron support said I should use "Caseta PD-5NE". Please advise if that is the dimmer switch I should be using or if you have any other suggestions.
We can confirm that our TRIAC Dimmable Power Supplies have been verified as compatible with most Lutron dimmers. This includes ELV (extra-low voltage) dimmers such as the referenced Caseta PD-5NE.
Further, we expect a wide range of dimmer compatibility with the Lutron dimmer models that have not yet been tested internally. As such, we believe that the Caseta PD-5NE dimmer would be able to function optimally with our power supplies.
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LED power suppliesLED dimmers
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