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Do the Centric LED Strip Lights require the Centric Power Supply?
Do the Centric strip lights require the centric power supply? Or would the Film Grade power supply also work (for half the cost)? Alternatively, would any SMPS do the job as long as it provided the correct voltage and current? (16ft of 24V centric strip requires a minimum 3.75A @ 24V (90 watts)
You are correct that any 24 volt constant voltage power supply (including commonly available switch-mode power supplies) would work with our 24 volt LED strip lights as long as the power capacity of the power supply is sufficient.
The FilmGrade power supply is a great option and will work fine and may even be more convenient if you are looking for a wall-plug solution rather than a permanent hard-wired installation.
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LED power suppliesLED strip lights
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