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Can I use of Battery Pack to power the Absolute Series LED Strip?
I was planning on using a battery pack to power a 5' strip of your Absolute CRI 99 product for use in the illumination of fine art photography artworks. I appreciate the need to manage maximum current and am taking that into account in my design. However, I am using 4 x LiFePO4 cells to achieve the 12V required. The cells have a nominal voltage of 3.2V (and up to 3.4V when fully charged) which means that I could potentially be trying to drive the strip with 13.6V and during discharge, the total battery voltage can fall as far as 11.2V. How critical is the 12V for driving your Absolute product and are there any implications for the kelvin value of the light or the lumens produced given the numbers above?
We're happy to confirm that utilizing a power supply with an output slightly lower than 12V would not cause any detrimental effects to the product, and should not cause a substantial decrease in output per LED.
We have attached an informative blog post about the topic below, which we hope proves to be helpful for your purchase planning.
Can You Operate a 12V LED Strip at Less Than 12V?
Can you also address the over-voltage case please as the battery pack? I am intending to use can get as high as 13.6V. What effect (if any) will this "higher than 12V" voltage has on led strip operations/safety?
Though under-powering the lights is not a safety concern, some issues could be present with overloading the LED strip light products with a higher voltage, such as overloading the product circuitry and causing product safety issues or performance issues.
That said, there might be voltage regulators available online in a form factor that would match the portable battery and desired lighting installation. Based on my review, there appear to be several portable voltage regulators on Amazon, though I cannot personally speak to the quality of these third-party products.
While we do not have any specific voltage regulators to recommend, the core issue with over-voltage is longevity reduction for the Absolute Series LED Strip Lights.
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LED power suppliesLED strip lights
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