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12V vs 24V Power Supply
I am building some bookcases and am looking for a 16' roll of led lights and accessories. I am using a wall dimmer, but not sure of the difference between using the 12v dc power supply or the 24v power supply. Why the two offerings?
Generally speaking, there is not an extremely significant difference between 12V and 24V systems so long as the correct accessories are chosen. For example, we would discourage the use of a 24V Power Supply when using a 12V LED Strip Light product.
For more information regarding the differences and disadvantages of each type of system, you might find value in the below articles from our website:
Advantages of a 24V LED system vs 12V: https://www.waveformlighting.com/home-residential/advantages-of-a-24v-led-system-vs-12v
Pros and cons of a 12V LED system: https://www.waveformlighting.com/home-residential/12v-led-system
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LED power suppliesLED strip lightsLED Drivers
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