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E26 vs E27 bulbs - Are they interchangeable?
I read your blog entry on the interchangeability of E26 and E27 bulbs (https://www.waveformlighting.com/home-residential/e26-vs-e27-bulbs-are-they-interchangeable) with interest. In the Bottom Line section, you state that "E26 bulbs should not be used in E27 sockets. I live in the US, and recently received a nice lamp as a gift from a UK relative. I can swap out the wall plug relatively easily, but the bulb holder is of a strange design that's difficult to remove/replace. Since I'll only ever be using E26 bulbs here on 120V AC, from an electrical safety perspective, I should be OK, right?
While we cannot guarantee or be liable for any safety concerns, our general understanding of lamp fixture design would suggest that using your E26 lamps in an E27 fixture at 120 volts would be a lower safety concern than doing the same at 240 volts.
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LED bulbs (General)Ceiling Fixtures
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