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Home / Support Center / Knowledge Base / Full spectrum / Do you have a full-spectrum Halogen bulb (MR16) replacement bulb?
Do you have a full-spectrum Halogen bulb (MR16) replacement bulb?
We are trying to replace a Halogen bulb (MR16) with a full-spectrum equivalent. This is being used in a broadband light therapy device. The ideal would be to duplicate the spectral energy in sunlight. Do you have the development capabilities to do this?
While not available in the MR16 standard, the closest match in our catalog would be the ABSOLUTE SERIES™ LED Flexible Strips and LED Modules. These products provide 99 CRI full-spectrum output, which is virtually indistinguishable from daylight.
That being said, the output diminishes around the 780nm point, which may mean that they are not the ideal products for the 420nm-1000nm installation requirements.
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LED strip lightsFull spectrum
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