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Circuit Protection for DMX Dimmer
We are using multiple Waveform Lighting 3082 DMX controllers for a lighting project and we can't find a lot of information on the required circuit protection for the device. It says a total of 40A input, and 8A per channel, but do we need to protect each channel with an 8A breaker, or if we were to protect the incoming DC with say a 20a breaker from a 20A power supply will the module protect each channel against over current/short circuit on each channel?
We were able to confirm that the DMX decoder units have over-current protection on each channel. Specifically, there is a recoverable software layer, as well as non-recoverable 10A rated fuse for each channel.
We would advise designing circuits to minimize the occurrences of short circuits and other over-current states, but for most installations, we believe that the built-in protections should be sufficient.
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DMX dimmers
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