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Spectral Data of Absolute Series 99 CRI LED Strip
I am inquiring about data for your Absolute series of LEDs, specifically the 6500K versions. I would like to know if there is a spreadsheet available with the spectral data of the LEDs in the format of wavelength vs. spectral irradiance/intensity to compare with the spectral graph of sunlight. If there are other products/product lines that you sell that would be more useful for my purposes (replicating sunlight as closely as possible for simulation purposes) please let me know that as well.
Attached are the 5000K and 6500K spectral power distribution for the ABSOLUTE SERIES LEDs (both modules and strips use the same LEDs and therefore have the same SPD data).
If you are looking for a light source that best approximates natural light, the ABSOLUTE SERIES would indeed be the best option. Strictly speaking, 5000K may be a better match for natural sunlight, whereas 6500K would be a better approximation for natural daylight.
I was wondering if you had data on the size of the module/strip used to gather this data as I need it to do some calculations.
The data provided has irradiance values in arbitrary units, so I'm afraid the SPD values would not be helpful in performing any irradiance calculations.
We do have some test reports here indicating 3165 lux from a distance of 12 inches from our ABSOLUTE SERIES LED modules. This may be a helpful baseline measurement for extrapolating irradiance values.
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LED strip lightsD50 (printing, digitizing)D65 (digital arts and graphics)
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