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LED Bulbs for Art Studio with Track Lighting System Compatibility and E26 Base Standard
I'm trying to choose between 2 of your wonderful products to light my art studio. I have 2 rows of track lights with E26 Edison sockets. I'm not sure if I should get the regular bulb (NorthLux™ 95 CRI E26 A19 LED Bulb for Art & Studio) or the floodlight version (NorthLux™ 95 CRI BR30 LED Bulb for Artwork & Studio).
We can confirm that both our NorthLux™ 95 CRI E26 A19 LED Bulb for Art & Studio and NorthLux™ 95 CRI BR30 LED Bulb for Artwork & Studio bulbs are compatible with track lighting systems that utilize the standard E26 base.
Regarding the differences between the two products, the BR30 does offer a narrower beam angle than the A19 bulb. Other customers have let us know that this feature has been beneficial for their track lighting fixtures.
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Art studio lightingA19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent)BR30 BulbsCeiling Fixtures
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