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Fixture Style UV LED Lighting
I have a customer looking for the following: 1st Light UV-A Nanometers: between 315-400nm Fixture Style: Can hang overhead Coverage: A minimum of 3x2 feet for testing purposes 2nd Light UV-B Nanometers: between 280-315nm Fixture Style: Can hang overhead Coverage: A minimum of 3x2 feet for testing purposes 3rd Light UV-C Nanometers: 250nm and below (the lower the better) Fixture Style: Can hang overhead Coverage: A minimum of 3x2 feet for testing purposes.
We are happy to offer the realUV™ LED Strip Light product in both 395nm, as well as 365nm. Each version of this item is available in reels of 3.2 ft (1 meter), and 16.4 ft (5 meter). We also offer the cleanUV™ UV-C LED Strip Light product, which emits 270 nanometer UVC radiation. This product is sold in a 3.2 ft (1 meter) reel.
Further, you may want to consider our realUV flood light available in 365nm and 395nm - a fixture-style that can hang overhead.
Unfortunately, it does not appear that we offer products which meet the '280-315nm' and '250nm and below' requirements requested.
Question posted under:
Ceiling FixturesUV-A LED strip lights
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