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Home / Support Center / Knowledge Base / A19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent) / What does the "C" mean in the NorthLux and Centric A19 bulbs?
What does the "C" mean in the NorthLux and Centric A19 bulbs?
In the article, I see the following difference in the part number PN 4005.65: CENTRIC DAYLIGHT™ 6500K PN 4005.D65: NorthLux™ 6500K But when I add them to the cart they are both added as 4005C.65. Can you clarify? What does the C mean?
While these two products previously utilized different product numbers, each recently received hardware updates to make them compliant with California energy standards (Where the 'C' notes California compliance).
After that point, the two products began to utilize the same product number (PN4005C.65), as the hardware and output of each are identical. We have kept the distinct product pages as-is, as having unique landing pages is helpful for marketing purposes. We do apologize for any confusion these pages may have caused.
Based on the page, one is supposed to be calibrated on ANSI 6500K while the other is calibrated at D65, which are two different spectrums. What is the new product “C” calibrated on?
While these products were previously calibrated differently, we can confirm that all of our 6500K ‘C’ products are now calibrated to D65 rather than ANSI 6500K.
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A19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent)
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