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Home /  Support Center /  Knowledge Base /  A19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent) /  Do your Avian LED Bulbs emit UV-A or UV-B?

Do your Avian LED Bulbs emit UV-A or UV-B?

I see that one says NO UV, and the other does not say one way or the other. It is my understanding that our Parrot Family birds do need Full Spectrum but that includes some UV-A and UV-B. 

We can confirm that these products are not designed to emit UV-A or UV-B, which can be noted on the lighting parameter analysis report link below for the A19 Avian bulb product. As such, it is entirely possible that specific avian families or breeds would benefit from specific adjustments to lighting, including the use of lights with a greater UV output. 

To this end, we might recommend reaching out to an avian specialist for specific instructions on creating ideal lighting environments for your parrots.

6500K A19 LED Product Report: https://www.waveformlighting.com/photometrics/TR_4005.65.pdf

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A19 Bulbs (60 watt equivalent)BR30 BulbsAnimals and pets

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